Monday, July 28, 2008

Boredom...and it looked like fun..haha

1. Go to
2. Type in your answer.
3. Only use the first page.
4. Copy the html and paste it on here.

1. What is your first name?

2. What month were you born in?

3. What's your favorite TV show(s)?

4. What's your favorite color?

5. What's your favorite movie?

6. What's your favorite Disney Princess?

7. What are you most afraid of?

8. What's your favorite time of day?

9. What's your favorite accessory?

10. One word to describe yourself?

11. How old will you be on your next birthday?


12. Favorite Shoes?

13. Favorite Drink?

14. Favorite Food?

15. Town you were raised in?


16. Title of favorite song?

17. Secret Crush?

Brandon Lee!!!

18. What's your middle name?

19. How do you feel?

hahaha....i'm hungry


Unknown said... this Britt's Reba? Hey there! How are you? I commented back to your comment on my blog!

I.Am.Spoken.Word. said...

ohmygosh...i need to catch up on my onetreehill. my future roomie owns the series on dvd so i guess i will be able to. :0)
i love the chs football helmet, too. i love these pic surveys.

Reba C said...

@n.steven: Hey there, yes this is Britt's Reba. haha. I read your comment and I wasn't lying, I am eager to read the rest of the story! I was stunned when I saw the helmet on photo bucket, I didn't think anyone knew lil ol Clinton existed except for the ones who had to go there!